Still Life painting of teapot and plums by navdeep Kular

Painterly Plums’

While shopping at supermarket, I look at shapes and colours of fruits. At the back of my mind, I usually think what will look good in a painting. I appreciate the glow that light generates and try to recognise shapes and patterns of different colours on the objects.

This time around, I liked the colour of plums varying from yellowish orange to red, maroon and deep purple. I picked up plums of different colours and thought that they would look good in a painting.

Then I was roaming around the house looking for other components in the composition. After painting couple of Teapot and Grapes paintings, teapot was foremost in my mind. I tried various arrangements of plums around the teapot and finally settled in for this version and painted it.

Still Life painting of teapot and plums by navdeep Kular
Still Life with Teapot and Plums

I was still not done with painting plums. The fascination with metallic objects led to this carafe for its shiny reflective surface to paint with the plums. To create movement in the painting, I rolled over two plums from the plate. I liked the garland formed by actual and virtual plums. This is what ‘Still life with Carafe and Plums’ look like.

still life oil painting of carafe and plums with the reflection of plums in the metallic surface of carafe
Still Life with Carafe and Plums

This is how the two paintings put together look.

You can view my other still life paintings here.

Hope you enjoy viewing these paintings as much as I have while painting them!

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