
Navdeep Kular is an artist, author, engineer, researcher and a management professional based in Gurgaon, India.

Growing up in the lap of nature in the mighty Himalayas she developed an appreciation for the beauty of nature. As a young girl, she experienced a close connect with the nature’s bounty while running up and down the mountains, by the springs and streams,  in the meadows, orchards  and flower beds. She has always been amazed by the vivid colours, shapes, patterns of all things natural.

Over the years, she excelled in academics in both engineering and management and is a qualified university teacher but the desire to create is overwhelming. Her creations are in diverse spheres ranging from research to published academic writing  and fine arts. The journey began when she was taught embroidery by a Hungarian lady and the patterns mostly consisted of flowers. She learnt oil painting in a small town in the foothills of the Himalayas while studying science in college. She experiments with various genres in painting but likes realism the most.

Navdeep Kular can be contacted at

Instagram @navdeepkular_oilpaintings

Facebook page Paintings by Navdeep Kular