Still Life with Strawberries Tea Set

Every painting has a story behind it. Mortal human beings leave things behind them which remind us of their personality and life. The tea set that served as a prop for these paintings has been left behind by a towering figure who commanded respect and had a aura around her. When a lady who was fond of tea retired, her colleagues presented her this strawberries tea set as a farewell gift. How very thoughtful of them. The teapot, coffeepot and sugar pot have been painted to pay homage to the great lady.

I have admired the beauty of this tea set for years before this attempt to paint it. The beautiful teapot is adorned with strawberries and leaves, small flowers, a pink bow and also a small beetle. The edges of the rim are twisted in pink and green colour. So is the handle.

I have dabbled in the colours of white in these paintings to bring out the shapes and forms of the object. The colours varied from mixing a bit of yellow to pink to blue in white to depict the lighted and shaded area. The dark background was purposefully chosen to bring forth the objects. The colour of strawberries presents a sharp contrast to that of the teapot.

Happy Viewing!

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