Red Roses in a Green Vase

Roses in a vase 2 red roses in a green vase oil painting by Navdeep Kular

Red Roses in a Green Vase

Red roses in this oil painting are set by the side of the window on a round table. The edges of the window sill and the greenery outside gives depth to the painting. The light is coming through the window. Various blues and yellows were mixed to paint the green vase. The variation in the colours gives it a rounded shape with a tinge of white showing the light falling on it.

The white curtain hanging behind the flower arrangement provides a contrast to the green vase and red roses. The cloth on the table follows the contours of the table. The darker shades in the curtain and the white cloth signify the folds in them. The pale yellow wall on the right gives a backdrop along with the curtain. The dark flooring gives a neat edge to the wall.

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